Pizza Boyz Digital Comic and T Shirt Combo Pre Order Kickstarter!
Get ready for a Pizza Boyz party in the latest, fresh and fun adventure. In a tale as old as time... Well our lifetime that is. The story of video game addiction! Where a world is so grand, totally sick and nothing else seems to matter. Good times. Spin that together with a skateboard throw-down match and there's a recipe from any 80s, 90s, 2000s kids upbringing. Even 70s kids might have that experience too. Atari and Dogtown anyone???
Snag a copy of the sweet new comic in stunning 28 page PDF glory or top yourself off with the $20 T-Shirt and Comix Combo to wear out in the world or even space! Party Time, Excellent. The Kyle themed PB shirt of "It's Beer Thirty!" because, you know what time it is. And then we got the Variant Cover art that is way past cool, from indie comix badass, Rick Joseph.
So grab an issue, support the indie comic spirit of Pizza Boyz, make this economy spin round, have a laugh and see what's new with the ole gang. It's just like you remember, only black and white. Plus I've got the book finished and ready, so none of that waiting around too long to get the work completed. Yeah buddy!!!
Enlist today! And if you are wondering what in the world this "Pizza Boyz" thing is, look up the previous books on Comixology and Amazon Kindle. Remember, that's boyz with a Z. Physical, Graphic Novel Prints at Indy Planet too!
For fans of such comedy classics like It's Always Sunny, Wayne's World, Scott Pilgrim, Clerks, Harold and Kumar, Tank Girl and Strangers In Paradise.
Created, Drawn and Written by Spencer Scott Holmes - www.OldManOrange.com